About Resolve Hypnotherapy
Are you struggling with an issue right now and feel like you have nowhere to turn?
Do you feel you have you tried everything and nothing has worked?
Are things just getting progressively worse and no one seems able to help?
Well struggle no longer – at Resolve Hypnotherapy we can help you.
Using a unique method of hypnotherapy that is proven to achieve outstanding results, we will help you to uncover the root cause of why you have your issue and you get to view it from a totally different perspective. You see you weren’t born with your issue, it was created and anything created or acquired can be let go of.
Our unique method of hypnotherapy is called Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and is delivered online, at a time and place convenient to you. It differs from other types of therapies in that it gets to the core of the issue in usually just one session.
In recent years ’talking therapies’ have come to the fore but for some this does not work. In fact, for many, talking about it just brings everything to the surface that has been buried and unintentionally makes the sufferer relive it all over again, together with the associated pain. With Rapid Transformational Therapy we help you to review and work through an issue, not relive it.
So essentially, it is FREEDOM WITHOUT MEDICATION. You learn to: take back control, take back your power, own your power and move on with your life.
Wouldn’t you like to be free and leave the past behind you?
Wouldn’t you like to start afresh with new thinking, amazing self-belief and phenomenal self-confidence?
For best results, you have to be willing and motivated to participate in your own recovery. You have to want it. You have to know that you can move on and leave this issue behind you.
All you need to do is take that first step out into the unknown because staying where you are is not an option.
What I can do for you
What Clients Say
“My background is that I have spent the last 10 years trying to find a solution for my insomnia.
I did everything, I mean I did everything you could think of from: acupuncture, medication, sleep studies, every sleep hygiene thing you come across on the internet, exercises, diets that are supposed to help with sleep, Melatonin…..I mean literally I have tried everything and I have struggled for 10 years trying just to get a good night’s sleep.
Then one day I was in a Facebook group and Lorna posted something in there about insomnia and I thought I’ve tried everything else, why not this?….. and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life!!
I sleep, I can fall asleep ……and if I wake up,I can go right back to sleep. This has really been life changing for me.
If you are someone who has ever struggled with sleep you will know what I mean when I say that not getting good quality sleep really does affect your life, it affects the quality of your life.
Just to be able to say that now I can sleep has really, really changed things around for me ..….and I am so thankful I found Lorna!!!….and I think, you know if you are struggling or need some help with sleep I definitely recommend Lorna Shannon at Resolve Hypnotherapy Online”.
“Before I had RTT I was an emotional eater who didn’t know when to stop with food and this has always been the case since childhood but things become extreme with the deaths of my son, mother, father and mother in law I found solace in both food and drink resulting in 7 stone weight gain.
Then the battle began I tried everything but everything I read was conflictive and didn’t know where to turn. I was miserable and thought the only option I had left was surgery but then I came across RTT and found lorna and now life is amazing my eating pattern has completely changed, cravings have disappeared, I have finally got control. I still enjoy chocolate but I don’t eat it all and don’t beat myself up over eating anything I want . I have lost 6lbs In 4 weeks and for the 1st time that I can remember I love food again and love to cook again.
Anyone that is having issues like myself please try RTT it may also change your life..”
“I literally cannot put into words how amazing the transformation has been and I truly mean transformation. I no longer ruminate or spend time over analysing interactions with people and if I begin to worry about what others think, I automatically ask myself ‘Do I really care?” and the worry just disappears. I no longer compare myself to others – there is absolutely none of that. I truly believe that it is just going to get better. Anyway, I really just wanted to say thank you, thank you, thank you with all my heart. It truly has been life changing”.
“I want to tell you how much your session changed my life… At the end of my time with you I felt: empowered, confident and completely in control. My outlook was positive and I gained an inner strength… You have helped me in ways I cannot explain!!’ Forever in your debt”
“I was advised to consult with Lorna Shannon when I was struggling with chronic insomnia. I spent one session with her. I moved from hopefully an hour’s sleep per night to at least seven hours per night. To me this is as close to a miracle as it comes”.
“Since my session with you, I have not had a migraine since (previously they were daily!!). I cannot believe I have got my life back!!! I really can’t thank you enough”.
“The RTT session with Lorna enabled me to uncover the roots of my insomnia… I’m sleeping through the night now, something I could never have imagined prior to meeting Lorna. I now have luscious, gorgeous, dream filled sleeps EVERY night and it has utterly transformed my life. Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!
Honestly, I can’t thank you enough Lorna. To think I had insomnia all these years totally unnecessarily…..I will recommend you to everyone I know!’
“I can’t believe the change in the last 3 weeks. I don’t get any sugar cravings at all now and I have no interest in eating any junk food. I’ve never eaten so many vegetables in my life! All I want to eat is lovely fresh, nourishing food. Occasionally out of habit I feel like something sweet, but the feeling just melts away within seconds. The only sugar I’ve eaten is that one bit of birthday cake, but that was a conscious choice, I felt like I was in control of that decision.
Also, I’ve lost about 2kg in weight…it was never all about the weight but it’s amazing to lose the belly fat. I haven’t been this weight since before I had my children.
So thank you so much, I’m so thankful to you and really amazed by your work. I’ll continue to listen to the audio but I really feel like there’s no going back now!”
‘I felt empowered after my session. I felt I could do this, that it was possible and that I was worth the bother of even having the session… At present I listen to my tape twice a day. Lorna is so motivational. She got me started on this road…now 2 stone lighter”
“I came to you extremely distressed and emotional. I had no idea how to manage the enormity of my feelings… After the session, I believed in myself again… I want to thank you and reinforce the importance of your work”.
“I would highly recommend Lorna and RTT therapy if you have an anxiety or mood condition. RTT allowed me to look at myself in a new light and learn to let go of the past, regardless of how traumatic and difficult it may have been…”
“My husband and I had been trying for a baby for close to four years, with two miscarriages, a chemical pregnancy, thousands of tears and a complete loss of hope along the way… with no explanation as to why we seemed to be having trouble conceiving for a fourth time.
People told me to “relax”… each time I heard that I just wanted to scream and my patience and hope was wearing thinner and thinner. I tried everything within my power – diet, exercise, lifestyle, meditation; even fertility massage, acupuncture and reflexology, but month after month my heart continued to sink.
I made contact with Lorna at the beginning of January, not entirely sure of what would come of it – not knowing if the therapy would be for me, if I could truly change my mindset and let myself believe in what I was hearing…
I spent the month counting down to 7, 6, 5 days…when I realised that my period was 1, 2, 3 days late! I did a test that evening, fully anticipating another disappointing one line and that I had kidded myself, but could not believe my eyes… I was pregnant!!!
I know that my situation is likely to be fairly unique in the extremely fast success rate, but I truly believe that the change in my body came from Lorna helping me to change my mindset entirely for the better; focusing completely on positivity and the power of the mind has turned my life around and has given us the one thing we’ve wished for for years.
I wanted to share my story in the hope that it encourages even one person in a similar situation to give RTT with Lorna a try – especially where you might feel like you’re alone and at the end of this journey before it has even had a chance to begin.”
What is RTT?
To see how Rapid Transformational Therapy can work for you, please contact me at or book a complimentary discovery call in the calendar below and start your transformation today.

Want to speak in public, but just can’t?January 3, 2020 - 1:11 pm
Feel like you will never get pregnant?January 3, 2020 - 1:08 pm
No confidence/self-esteem?January 3, 2020 - 1:06 pm
Will this pain ever go away?January 3, 2020 - 1:04 pm
Feel like giving up?January 3, 2020 - 1:01 pm
Need to drink less?January 3, 2020 - 12:58 pm
Want to stop smoking?January 3, 2020 - 12:56 pm
Feel that no one understands?January 3, 2020 - 12:53 pm
Can’t sleep?January 3, 2020 - 12:49 pm
Feeling stressed?January 3, 2020 - 12:46 pm
Feeling depressed?January 3, 2020 - 12:43 pm
Weight LossDecember 16, 2019 - 10:01 am
Contact Details
Resolve Hypnotherapy Online